Being a Mum is hard. Being a Mum in a global pandemic is something else.

I thought I’d use my blog this week to simply ask; how are you? Are you okay? It’s been a tough old year and you’ve made it through this far so you are already so much stronger than you think. 

With the announcement this week that Wales will be going into a form of lockdown after Christmas, and the rest of the UK into strict tiers, I wanted to do a mental health check and let you know that my inbox is always open. 

Some people will be feeling absolutely fine, whereas others might be struggling and feeling a little deflated. We’re all in this together so let’s support each other and spread a little kindness. Our mental health is so so important, and it’s imperative we talk about it all year, not just during mental health awareness week.

I’ll tell you where this post stems from. As some of you know I have an Instagram account for Life with WIT (@lifewithwit) and I follow a lot of like minded Mamas. I enjoy answering people’s polls and a week ago one simply said “how are you?” The answers were “good” or “I’m not quite feeling myself.” I’d had a really hard day with the children and I was feeling tired and a little overwhelmed, so I answered the latter. Not long after I had a message in my DMs from the fellow twin mama who posted the poll asking if I was okay. And you know what? It instantly  made me feel so much better. 

IMG 5052I am lucky to have a lot of emotional support in my life, but having someone who doesn’t know me very well check up on me felt so good. I felt heard, and that no matter what there is always someone willing to listen. Thankfully I was just having one of those days (you know the kind when you’re a parent) but I can’t stress enough to you how those three little words “are you okay” made me feel.

So, during these tough times, checking up on your friends is more important than ever. All of them. Because quite often it is the loudest people with the biggest smiles that are masking hidden demons and are struggling the most.

A quote that really resonates with me is; “none of us know how much someone is really hurting. You could be standing beside someone who is completely broken and have no idea. Be kind, always.” Anon.

I’ve always been someone to find a silver lining in the most stressful of situations, so at the moment I’m putting all of my positive energy into planning a lovely Christmas to share with my little family and my Mum and Dad who we haven’t seen much of at all this year. 

So in short, be kind to yourself and be kind to others. We’re all in this together and a little kindness goes a long way.

That’s it from my blog until after the festivities, so I want to wish you a very Happy Christmas. And remember if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here. Please do reach out.


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